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Your free PDF creator
Download Now (Free)Version 11.9.482 || Released on: 2024-11-22

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About doPDF

Short overview of doPDF
PDF stands for Portable Document Format and it was created by Adobe to ease document exchange. doPDF is a free PDF printer that does what the name suggests, creates PDF files. Once installed it will allow you to convert any type of printable documents to PDF files.
doPDF installs itself as a virtual PDF printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list and also in the list of All Programs.
With it you can convert your Word documents, Excel sheets, PowerPoint presentations, Publisher presentations, Visio drawings, Outlook emails, AutoCad drawings, company's reports, contracts, workflows, agreements, marketing plans, forms, products list, price list, charts, emails or web pages - and basically any type of printable document.
Using doPDF you can convert to PDF in two ways, via the Print option in your document or using the Startup window.

Print to PDF via the virtual printer driver doPDF.

You would do this exactly as you print to a regular printer, just the result will be a PDF file, not a printed piece of paper.

Using the doPDF Startup window.

doPDF has an executable file (accessible from the start program group) that you can run in order to start a conversion wizard.

Main features

What makes doPDF stand from the crowd

Tai nemokama

PDF keitiklis nemokamas tiek asmeniniam, tiek komerciniam naudojimui.

32-bitų ir 64-bitų palaikymas

gali būti įdiegtas 32-bitų ir 64-bitų operacinėse sistemose.

Jokio GhostScript

nereikalauja trečiųjų programų PDF bylų veiklai - tokių kaip GhostScript ar vykdymo lauko aplinkos kaip Adobe Acrobat. Tai paaiškina, kodėl įdiegimo byla tokia itin maža palyginus su kitais nemokamais PDF keitikliais.

Pasirenkama skiriamoji geba

gali pasirinkti bet kurį vaizdo raiškumą nuo 72 dpi iki 2400 dpi.

Numatyti/nustatomi puslapių dydžiai

pasirinkite numatytą puslapio dydį (Letter, Legal, A4, A5, A6, ...) arba įveskite norimus puslapio matmenis.

PDF su paieškos sistema

yra galimybė ieškoti tam tikro teksto sukurtoje PDF byloje (paieškos varikliai pažymės tekstą PDF byloje).


vartotojo patogumui leidžiama pasirinkti iš

Prisidėk prie planetos išsaugojimo

užuot naudojus dideliais kiekiais popierių savo dokumentams spausdinti, kodėl vietoj to nesukūrus PDF bylos ir šitaip išgelbėjus kelis planetos medžius?

Beveik nenaudoja jokių kompiuterio išteklių

lyginant su kitais nemokamais PDF keitikliais doPDF konvertavimo į PDF proceso metu beveik nenaudoja atminties arba procesoriaus resursų.

Predefined page size

You can select a predefined page size for the resulting PDF file such as: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B4/5, Letter, Legal, Executive, Envelope DL/C5/B5/Monarch/#10, ANSI, ARCH (50 different formats available)

PDF output presets

You can create high quality PDF files (i.e. for printing) or smaller files (i.e. for web publishing), depending on your needs. You can also choose to balance the two options by using the medium quality preset.

Automatic updates

We always recommend using the latest version of doPDF and its integrated automatic update engine will keep your version current. Update checks can be scheduled daily, weekly or monthly, but you can also disable this feature.

Add Document info

Add document information for the resulting PDF file that helps especially with indexing. You can add a PDF title, subject, author, keywords and PDF creator. These details will show up in the PDF metadata info displayed in the PDF viewer.

Tray application

The doPDF Tray application offers a quick overview and gives shortcuts to the most popular actions, shows notifications and news.

Addin for Microsoft Office

During installation you can install the novaPDF add-in for Microsoft Office. This allows doPDF to offer one-click conversion to PDF from Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio and Outlook).

PDF Links and Bookmarks (add-in only)

When you convert PDFs using the add-in for Microsoft Office, you can convert bookmarks and links from the original document in the resulting PDF file.

Always use this folder

You can have doPDF create and save the PDF file to the same folder each time, no matter where you open the original document from.

Embed font subsets

To ensure that the resulting PDF file will look exactly as originally intended, doPDF embeds by default the font subsets used in the original document.


doPDF on Windows 10